Pop ice cookies keju#bikinramadanberkesan

1 orang berencana membuat resep ini
  D e e
D e e @cook_8687033
Semarang, Central Java

Buat minuman pelepas dahaga buat buka puasa,yuk mam kita lihat cara pembuatannya,#bikinramadanberkesan

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  1. 1 bungkus pop ice rasa cookies
  2. secukupnya Air matang
  3. secukupnya keju
  4. secukupnya Batu es

Cara Membuat

  1. 1

    Masukkan pop ice kedalam blender lalu masukin air secukupnya kemudian gula secukupnya lalu es batu secukupnya blender

  2. 2

    Treet pop ice rasa cookies siap disajikan dengan keju

  3. 3

    Selamat mencoba



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Ilustrasi digambar tangan berwarna abu-abu berupa kamera dan wajan penggorengan dengan bintang-bintang muncul dari wajan


Ditulis oleh

  D e e
D e e @cook_8687033
Semarang, Central Java
happy cooking,great for My recipe .a recipe that is very easy for beginners who are just learning to cook, thank you for giving a sign of love for my cooking, may God always give Cookpad friends,health, success, lots of luck and success always, thank you for adding my account, hopefully my friends are happy to join me, ,thank u recook recipe me my all my friend cookpad hopefully friend like my recipe,I like cooking Indonesian dishes, typical abroad. I don't like it because my tongue is the tongue of an Indonesian, I like Indonesia, I like food n Indonesian cuisine. sorry my friends cookpads who are not polite and do not have my ethical values ​​block I am not looking for enemies, but I am looking for friends and increasing friendships, if you don't like ,don't add me, that and don't recook recipes for cooking ,I never bothered your life my friend cookpad,why you always disturb my life, if you don't like it, don't bother my life, thank you,,greeting from ❤ dee ❤
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