粟米魚片飯 Fish Fillet in Corn Sauce

11 人收藏了這篇食譜
Dietitian kaiyi 註冊營養師
Dietitian kaiyi 註冊營養師 @cook_6828024


好味之外, 魚本身含有很高的營養價值。相比其他肉類魚類含有較低脂肪,但同時能夠為我們提供豐富的蛋白質, 碘,omega 3 脂肪酸和維他命B12等等。每周吃魚一至兩次更能有效減低心臟血管疾病風險:)

When we talk about Hong kong style rice dishes, Fish fillet in corn sauce cannot be overlooked. It tastes  really nice and it is nutritious. Comparing with red meats or poultries, fishes have less bad fat but they are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, protein, iodine, vitamin B12 etc. We suggest you to have at least 1-2 serves of fish per week which can help you to  reduce the risk of heart diseases. 



For more information: 
- Email: kaiyi629@hotmail.com
- Instagram @dietitian_kaiyi
- Facebook @dietitian kaiyi




Easy but yummy!!! Try it!!!


KaiYi Chui - 澳洲註冊營養師 (APD)
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KaiYi Chui - Australia Registered Dietitian (APD)
- Provides easy meal ideas and nutritional information 
- Healthy eating, dietary advice and healthy cooking etc.
- Foodie & traveller ~ travels and eats around the world
-Fluent in 3 different languages: English, Cantonese and Mandarine
- Email: kaiyi629@hotmail.com
- Instagram @dietitian_kaiyi
- Facebook @dietitian kaiyi



30 分鐘
  1. 預備食材 食材- 2人份量 - Ingredients for 2 peple ><
  2. Fish Fillet 魚片 2 pieces
  3. Egg 蛋 1-2
  4. Flour 麵粉 3/4 cup
  5. Corn粟米 適量 3/4 cup
  6. Onion 洋蔥 1 medium
  7. Pepper 胡椒 適量 ( 1-2 tsp)
  8. Chopped cabbage捲心菜 1 cup
  9. Salt 鹽 1/2 -1tsp
  10. Soy sauce 醬油 適量
  11. Olive oil 橄欖油 ---
  12. Rice 白飯 適量
  13. Water 水 適量
  14. Cooking wine 米酒 1/4 cup


  1. 1

    將魚片放入熱水中, 出水1-2分鐘,盛起 Add fish fillet into hot water for 1-2 minutes.Set Aside.  

  2. 2

    切成小塊, 加入醬油,鹽,米酒, 胡椒粉,等待10分鐘 chop  into small pieces then add the soy sauce, salt,  pepper, cooking wine, Wait for 10 minutes  

  3. 3

    黏上蛋汁 dip the fish into egg wash

  4. 4

    然後撲上麵粉 coat the fish with a thin layer of flour

  5. 5

    放入油鍋中煎香直到兩面金黃,,然後盛起 Add them into the fry pan and fry until golden brown, then set aside

  6. 6

    燒熱油鑊,加入橄欖油, 洋蔥,粟米 Heat up the olive oil in the fry pan. Add the chopped onion and corn

  7. 7

    慢慢地加入水, 剩下麵粉,加入剩下雞蛋汁, 不斷攪拌 Add in water, the rest of flour and egg. Keep stiring.

  8. 8

    配白飯和蔬菜食用. 完。 ^~^ Serve it hot with rice and vegetable. Done!!! Enjoy!!!  :D






Dietitian kaiyi 註冊營養師