Becky @beckyr
Alicante, Spain

Ginger and chocolate make a great combination and this is my attempt at creating a healthy cookie recipe which is also super quick and easy to make. Also, if you don't mind your kitchen surfaces and floors getting messy, and your kids very sticky (I never did), it's a really great recipe to make with children. They keep well in an airtight container for a few days. Unfortunately in our home when I make these cookies, very few make it from the cooling rack into the biscuit tin :-)

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20 mins
10 servings
  1. 110 gr. butter
  2. 150 ml. honey
  3. 200 gr. rolled oats
  4. 80 gr. flour
  5. 1 egg
  6. 1 tsp. ginger
  7. 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  8. 30 gr. stem ginger (optional)
  9. 100 gr. dark chocolate

Cooking Instructions

  1. 1

    Assemble all the ingredients together. Seems obvious, but I used to assemble as I went along. But you really end up saving time if you take a little while getting the ingredients all together before you actually start cooking. Pre-heat the oven to 180ºC

  2. 2

    Melt the honey and butter in a pan over a very low heat

  3. 3

    Put all the dry ingredients except the ginger in the food mixer (or in a bowl if you are going to mix with a spoon which is also fine)

  4. 4

    Add the melted honey and butter to the dry ingredients and mix

  5. 5

    Beat the egg and add it to the mixture

  6. 6

    Chop the stemmed ginger and add. Mix well

  7. 7

    Put a teaspoon of the mixture on a lined oven tray and press gently. Bake in the pre-heated oven for just 10 minutes

  8. 8

    Remove from the oven tray with a spatula and put on a kitchen rack to cool

  9. 9

    Finally break the chocolate into squares and place in a small saucepan. Put the pan in a larger pan with water, and hear until the chocolate melts

  10. 10

    Put the melted chocolate into a cup, and dip the cookies. Put them back on the rack while the melted chocolate sets. And keep them under a close guard if you want to save them for later. Enjoy!!



Written by

Becky @beckyr
Alicante, Spain
Born in the UK. Came to Spain on finishing Uni many many moons and meals ago, and I'm still here. For me cooking is a great way to unwind at the end of the day. I don't usually have much time my recipes tend to be quite quick and simple and (mostly!!) healthy too. Also quite seasonal because I prefer buying fresh local produce as much as possible. However sometimes, when I do have more time, I like to spend a few hours making more time-consuming recipes and filling my kitchen with delicious smells and great music.
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