Fresh trout tartare with grilled squash

Thomas Guy
Thomas Guy @ThomasGuy

A Francis Mallmann inspired recipe we prepared not far from his home town in Patagonia. #Fish

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  1. 1 Fresh Trout
  2. 2 large tomatoes
  3. 1 sweetcorn husk
  4. 1 raw betroot
  5. 1/2 squash seeds removed
  6. Bunch coriander
  7. 2 large red peppers
  8. 2 large onions
  9. 1 lemon

Cooking Instructions

  1. 1

    Get yourself a really fresh trout. I find it most rewarding to catch it myself. If you do go to a fishmonger make sure you ask if it is fresh enough to eat raw

  2. 2

    Find yourself a picturesque spot outside - It will make the food taste better.

  3. 3

    Get a fire going

  4. 4

    Prepare the veg: Peppers in long slices, onions sliced, beetroot in thick slices, squash in 4 large chunks. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.

  5. 5

    Once your fire is ready, get a grill up to a high heat and add oil. Add all of the vegetables and the garlic excluding the tomatoes. Cook until crispy and burnt on the edges

  6. 6

    Take the squash from the grill, cut half into small cubes and add to the tomatoes. Cut the other half of the squash into slices and plate it up. Take the remaining vegetables from the grill and cut into small cubes, add these to a bowl with the tomatoes, add the corn. Season with salt and pepper and mix.

  7. 7

    Fillet your trout, cut into cubes and add to a bowl. Combine this with the juice of your lemon, Leave this to sit for 5 - 10 minutes.

  8. 8

    Season the sliced squash with salt and pepper, drizzle with oil. Combine the vegetables and trout, mix, plate and garnish. Enjoy



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Written by

Thomas Guy
Thomas Guy @ThomasGuy
Love to cook all types of cuisine. Always looking for a new recipe to try. #purple #honey #chicken #tagliatelle
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