Ai’s Vegan cookies♡の画像


This is my secret recipe to bake vegan cookies like a pro.

材料 (10- 15 cookies )

organic shredded coconut
1 cup
organic almond flour
1 cup
Himalayan salt
organic coconuts oil
1/3 cup
organic vanilla extract
1 tea spoon
organic Agave syrup
1/3 cup
dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup
oats flour (for decoration)


  1. 1


    Please use American standard when you measure.

  2. 2

    Combine all ingredients but chocolate chips together.

  3. 3

    After mixing well, then you can add chocolate chips into 2.

  4. 4

    If you prefer to eat raw, you don’t need to bake this.

  5. 5

    Please shape the dough by small tin or roll it into balls.

  6. 6


    I usually use a mini muffin tin to shape these cookies.

  7. 7


    Freeze for one hour and enjoy.

  8. 8


    If you prefer to bake, please bake for a short time.

  9. 9

    I usually bake for less than 10 minutes in oven or toaster.

  10. 10

    Preserve cookies in a clean container in room temperature.

  11. 11

    If you have a dehydrator at home, you can also cook in it.

  12. 12


    I sprinkled oats flour this time before baking like snow.


Both no baked one and baked one are good, so please try both. Very easy, not expensive to make, gluten-free and yummy♡


I wanted to make something which satisfies my hunger when I am too busy to eat my meal. This recipe is perfect.
レシピID : 6169118 公開日 : 20/04/26 更新日 : 20/04/28

つくれぽ みんなのつくりましたフォトレポート