Coconut Sliceの画像


Allergy-Free Healthy & Yummy Coconut Slice 4 Coconut Lovers


Shredded Coconut
Roughly 1 Cup
Water & Natural Sweetener
W: 1/4 cup & SW: 2tblsp
Coconut Oil
2-3 tblsp
Vanilla Essence
1 tsp


  1. 1

    Dissolve sweetener into water.

  2. 2

    Microwave the oil for 20-30 secs or until melted.

  3. 3

    Combine all ingredients into a small container.

  4. 4

    Mix well and
    squish into the container

    Freeze over 1 hour.

  5. 5

    Once frozen, cut into slice and ENJOY! :)



Wheat, Gluten, Refined Sugar Free.
Happy & Healthy Eating! :)
レシピID : 2297293 公開日 : 13/07/26 更新日 : 13/07/26

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