Shrimp Tacosの画像


We love Tex-Mex. This shrimp tacos is yummy and refreshing.

材料 (4)

Medium cleaned and deveined Shrimp
garlic, minced
2 large cloves
butter, melted
garlic, minced
2 cloves
butter, melted
black pepper
1/4 tsp.
garlic powder
1/4 tsp.
corn tortillas
8 pieces
shuredded lettuce
chopped cilantro
4 Tbl.
feta cheese, plain
1/2 cup
tomato, chopped
1 large tomatoes
cheddar cheese, shredded
1 cup
hot sauce
season to taste
lime wedges
1 lime


  1. 1

    Combine garlic and butter in small bowl, brush on shrimp.

  2. 2

    You have two options: skewer and grill until cooked,

  3. 3

    or throw them over some aluminum foil and broil.

  4. 4

    Cook garlic in butter in pan until garlic is golden brown,

  5. 5

    Remove from heat and mix w/mayo & season w/pepper & garlic p

  6. 6

    Warm the corn tortillas, either in the oven or a frying pan

  7. 7

    Now assemble tacos to your liking.

  8. 8

    Spread garlic sauce on tortilla
    Add shrimp,

  9. 9

    Add cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, feta cheese, and cilantro

  10. 10

    Finish them with squeeze of lime, and hot sauce as desired

  11. 11

    Enjoy !



My daughter and I tried to recreate the recipe of grilled shrimp tacos from our favorite restaurant.
レシピID : 3133259 公開日 : 15/04/21 更新日 : 15/04/21

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