


It is colorful and great with rice.

材料 (4 servings(4人分))

green bell peppers (ピーマン)
eggplants (ナス)
sliced pork (豚肉すらいす)
salad (サラダ油)
oil as desired (適量)
miso (味噌)
1 tbsp(大さじ1)
sugar (砂糖)
1 tbsp(大さじ1)
sweet Sake (みりん)
1 tbsp(大さじ1)
stock and soy sauce mixture(だし醤油)
1 tbsp(大さじ1)


  1. 1

    Slice the eggplants and the green bell peppers.

  2. 2

    Stir the vegetables from Step 1 with salad oil in a pan.

  3. 3

    Dish out the vegetables and stir the sliced pork.

  4. 4

    Add the rest of the seasonings.

  5. 5

    Put back the vegetables from Step 2.


I know it is troublesome to stir the vegetables first, but I recommend you to do so.It makes a big difference in taste.


I need a perfect recipe in which I can eat vegetables and pork at the same time.
レシピID : 3756871 公開日 : 16/03/18 更新日 : 16/04/14

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