Brazed short ribの画像


Restaurant quality beef dish

材料 (4 people)

beef short rib with bone
4 lbs
1 large
2 large
4 cloves
red wine
2 cups
beef broth
4 cups
1/2 lbs
1 cup
2 tbs
2 tbs
Italian parsley
1 cup


  1. 1

    Season beef with salt and pepper prior to cooking.

  2. 2

    Heat Dutch oven high heat. Add beef and brown all sides.

  3. 3

    Remove beef from pot. Lower heat to medium. Add olive oil.

  4. 4

    Sauté onion until soft. Add carrots and garlic and sauté.

  5. 5

    Add tomato paste and stir from bottom of pot.

  6. 6

    Add red wine and reduce to half. Put beef back to the pot.

  7. 7

    Add beef broth and cook with low heat for 4 hours.

  8. 8

    In separate pan, sauté bacon and mushroom with seasoning.

  9. 9

    Chop Italian parsley.

  10. 10

    Once beef is cooked serve them in large plate.

  11. 11

    Add bacon, mushroom on top of beef. Garnish with parsley


Make sure that beef is submerged in the broth during cooking so the meat is cooked.


Gordon Ramsey style
レシピID : 7424939 公開日 : 23/01/22 更新日 : 23/01/22

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